Community Summary : EVE Online


Prior to being offered employment at CCP Games, since late 2012, Nicholas has been deeply involved with the community of CCP’s “EVE Online”, a single-shard MMO with a passionate base of players that has arguably grown into one of the world’s most unique online game communities. Over his tenure in the game’s world, Nicholas has been best known for his passionate interest in the story of EVE & his eagerness to spread information on the lore, for publishing upcoming game features and additions, and for his creative & design proposals.

Between detailing information in comprehensive compilations, intense speculation concerning story developments and connections (both independently and alongside peers), participating in live Lore Panel podcasts like the Hydrostatic Podcast and ARC Crystal Ball panels, and eagerly discussing the game world’s story with like-minded or potentially interested players, Nicholas (through his character, Uriel) has become a well-known face in the lore side of EVE’s community, and beyond. His aim in this area has been to aid in making the lore of EVE as accessible and discoverable as possible to any potential or active player.

A secondary major part of Nicholas’s community work in this environment comes in the form of content predictions. As new assets and strings trickle onto the test server for EVE, Nicholas regularly investigates added content to try and predict what may come next - most of which he disseminates openly, whether through Uriel’s active twitter account, on the official forums, or even on Reddit.

He has also authored & posted various game design proposals over the years he’s been active - some of which have in fact spurred real development. Threads like the Drifter Precursor shipline remain some of the most-viewed posts on the features & ideas section of the official forums, and many players have voiced support for the proposals. One post concerning a lack of lore context for a type of item in-game was in fact acknowledged by developers, who put their own spin on the wording and added it to the game in the next patch.

Nicholas intends to increase exposure of the deep and unique world of EVE to others, and to assist in the ongoing growth and development of EVE — whether as a developer at CCP Games, or through the passion projects he continues to create.


Nicholas/Uriel’s Twitter can be found here
EVE Forum posts can be found here
Posts on the EVE Subreddit can be found here